TEENS!!! How I Loathe your 1334 skillz
Well Weaksausingtons... I did it, I dipped my toe back into the poisoned waters of online ranked matches, And How did I do... well to explain how i did I must first explain "kill / death" ratio. It is not complicated but I know how your pea brains find it complicated to wrap your minds around teh ol' hal0z, so I'll speak slowly. Kill/death ratio is how I measure my skills in halo.
Really good players generally have an overall k/d of +3 or +4. witch means for all the games they have played they average 3 killz to every one death they have (or if they're +4 they average 4 kills for every death). At my Peak was more or less a +2 which isn't to shabby. At this point my average has dipped down to a +1.1 - not great.
So how did I do against the teens? well, I played 4 matches of team slayer....
k/d ratio? -3. So yeah
Did I get ass raped? no, What a negative 3 k/d means is that for every time I died I got one kill in, except for 3 times, in which i got killed without taking any livez. Overall this is what was to be expected, but now that my toe is firmly in the teen infested waters I will continue on trying to dominate. Put my skillz in your heart dear weaksaucers I am gonna need the power of my fans to propel me along these torrid waters.